US History to 1877 - SOL Unit 1
Multiple-Choice Exercise
Content © 2004 Rebecca Martin & Paul Laurence, Dunbar Middle School for Innovation; Author of Activity: Tami Maloney; All rights reserved. No commercial, for-profit use of this material is allowed. E-mail comments and questions to Tami Maloney.
Choose the correct answer for each question.

What ocean is labeled "1"?
- Atlantic
- Pacific
- Arctic
- Indian

What ocean is labeled "2"?
- Atlantic
- Pacific
- Arctic
- Indian

What ocean is labeled "4"?
- Atlantic
- Pacific
- Arctic
- Indian

What ocean is labeled "3"?
- Atlantic
- Pacific
- Arctic
- Indian

What continent is labeled "A"?
- Africa
- Australia
- Asia
- Europe
- North America
- South America
- Antarctica

What continent is labeled "B"?
- Africa
- Australia
- Asia
- Europe
- North America
- South America
- Antarctica

What continent is labeled "C"?
- Africa
- Australia
- Asia
- Europe
- North America
- South America
- Antarctica

What continent is labeled "D"?
- Africa
- Australia
- Asia
- Europe
- North America
- South America
- Antarctica

What continent is labeled "E"?
- Africa
- Australia
- Asia
- Europe
- North America
- South America
- Antarctica

What continent is labeled "F"?
- Africa
- Australia
- Asia
- Europe
- North America
- South America
- Antarctica

What continent is labeled "G"?
- Africa
- Australia
- Asia
- Europe
- North America
- South America
- Antarctica

What region is labeled "1"?
- Great Plains
- Coastal Range
- Coastal Plain
- Rocky Mountains
- Appalachian Highlands
- Canadian Shield
- Interior Lowlands
- Basin and Range

What region is labeled "2"?
- Great Plains
- Coastal Range
- Coastal Plain
- Rocky Mountains
- Appalachian Highlands
- Canadian Shield
- Interior Lowlands
- Basin and Range

What region is labeled "3"?
- Great Plains
- Coastal Range
- Coastal Plain
- Rocky Mountains
- Appalachian Highlands
- Canadian Shield
- Interior Lowlands
- Basin and Range

What region is labeled "4"?
- Great Plains
- Coastal Range
- Coastal Plain
- Rocky Mountains
- Appalachian Highlands
- Canadian Shield
- Interior Lowlands
- Basin and Range

What region is labeled "5"?
- Great Plains
- Coastal Range
- Coastal Plain
- Rocky Mountains
- Appalachian Highlands
- Canadian Shield
- Interior Lowlands
- Basin and Range

What region is labeled "6"?
- Great Plains
- Coastal Range
- Coastal Plain
- Rocky Mountains
- Appalachian Highlands
- Canadian Shield
- Interior Lowlands
- Basin and Range

What region is labeled "7"?
- Great Plains
- Coastal Range
- Coastal Plain
- Rocky Mountains
- Appalachian Highlands
- Canadian Shield
- Interior Lowlands
- Basin and Range

What region is labeled "8"?
- Great Plains
- Coastal Range
- Coastal Plain
- Rocky Mountains
- Appalachian Highlands
- Canadian Shield
- Interior Lowlands
- Basin and Range

What is the best description for region "1"?
- Rugged mountains along the Pacific
- Area containing mountains and Death Valley
- Rugged mountains from Alaska to Mexico
- Flat, dry grassland
- Rolling flatlands with rivers, valleys and grassy hills
- Old mountain range in North America
- Broad lowland along Atlantic Ocean
- Hills worn by erosion and lakes carved by glaciers

What is the best description for region "2"?
- Rugged mountains along the Pacific
- Area containing mountains and Death Valley
- Rugged mountains from Alaska to Mexico
- Flat, dry grassland
- Rolling flatlands with rivers, valleys and grassy hills
- Old mountain range in North America
- Broad lowland along Atlantic Ocean
- Hills worn by erosion and lakes carved by glaciers

What is the best description for region "3"?
- Rugged mountains along the Pacific
- Area containing mountains and Death Valley
- Rugged mountains from Alaska to Mexico
- Flat, dry grassland
- Rolling flatlands with rivers, valleys and grassy hills
- Old mountain range in North America
- Broad lowland along Atlantic Ocean
- Hills worn by erosion and lakes carved by glaciers

What is the best description for region "4"?
- Rugged mountains along the Pacific
- Area containing mountains and Death Valley
- Rugged mountains from Alaska to Mexico
- Flat, dry grassland
- Rolling flatlands with rivers, valleys and grassy hills
- Old mountain range in North America
- Broad lowland along Atlantic Ocean
- Hills worn by erosion and lakes carved by glaciers

What is the best description for region "5"?
- Rugged mountains along the Pacific
- Area containing mountains and Death Valley
- Rugged mountains from Alaska to Mexico
- Flat, dry grassland
- Rolling flatlands with rivers, valleys and grassy hills
- Old mountain range in North America
- Broad lowland along Atlantic Ocean
- Hills worn by erosion and lakes carved by glaciers

What is the best description for region "6"?
- Rugged mountains along the Pacific
- Area containing mountains and Death Valley
- Rugged mountains from Alaska to Mexico
- Flat, dry grassland
- Rolling flatlands with rivers, valleys and grassy hills
- Old mountain range in North America
- Broad lowland along Atlantic Ocean
- Hills worn by erosion and lakes carved by glaciers

What is the best description for region "7"?
- Rugged mountains along the Pacific
- Area containing mountains and Death Valley
- Rugged mountains from Alaska to Mexico
- Flat, dry grassland
- Rolling flatlands with rivers, valleys and grassy hills
- Old mountain range in North America
- Broad lowland along Atlantic Ocean
- Hills worn by erosion and lakes carved by glaciers

What is the best description for region "8"?
- Rugged mountains along the Pacific
- Area containing mountains and Death Valley
- Rugged mountains from Alaska to Mexico
- Flat, dry grassland
- Rolling flatlands with rivers, valleys and grassy hills
- Old mountain range in North America
- Broad lowland along Atlantic Ocean
- Hills worn by erosion and lakes carved by glaciers

What river is found at "8"?
- Mississippi River
- Missouri River
- Colorado River
- Columbia River
- Ohio River
- St. Lawrence River
- Rio Grande River

What river is found at "2"?
- Mississippi River
- Missouri River
- Colorado River
- Columbia River
- Ohio River
- St. Lawrence River
- Rio Grande River

What river is found at "5"?
- Mississippi River
- Missouri River
- Colorado River
- Columbia River
- Ohio River
- St. Lawrence River
- Rio Grande River

What river is found at "1"?
- Mississippi River
- Missouri River
- Colorado River
- Columbia River
- Ohio River
- St. Lawrence River
- Rio Grande River

What river is found at "7"?
- Mississippi River
- Missouri River
- Colorado River
- Columbia River
- Ohio River
- St. Lawrence River
- Rio Grande River

What river is found at "4"?
- Mississippi River
- Missouri River
- Colorado River
- Columbia River
- Ohio River
- St. Lawrence River
- Rio Grande River

What is located at "6"?
- Indian Ocean
- Hudson Bay
- Gulf of Alaska
- Gulf of Mexico
- Great Lakes

What is located at "3"?
- Indian Ocean
- Hudson Bay
- Gulf of Alaska
- Gulf of Mexico
- Great Lakes

Which two rivers were transportation routes to major ports leading to the world?
- Missouri River and Mississippi River
- Colorado River and Columbia River
- Missouri River and Mississippi River
- Missouri River and St. Lawrence River

Which river was the gateway to the West?
- Ohio River
- Colorado
- Columbia
- Rio Grande

Which river led Lewis and Clark to the Pacific Ocean?
- Colorado River
- Columbia River
- Mississippi River
- St. Lawrence River

Which river was explored by the Spanish?
- Colorado River
- Columbia River
- Mississippi River
- Missouri River

Which river forms part of the border between the US and Mexico?
- Ohio River
- Columbia River
- Mississippi River
- Rio Grande River

What river is a waterway connecting the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean?
- Mississippi River
- Columbia River
- St. Lawrence River
- Missouri River

What native American group is found at "1"?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

What native American group is found at "2"?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

What native American group is found at "3"?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

What native American group is found at "4"?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

What native American group is found at "5"?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

Which native group lived in a present-day Alaska and Canada?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

Which native group lived in the Northeastern woodlands?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

Which native group lived on the Pacific Northwest coast?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

Which native group lived in the Southwest present day Arizona?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

Which native group lived in the Great Plains?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

Which native group lived in heavily wooded land?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

Which native group lived in desert areas bordering cliffs and mountains?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

Which native group lived in a rainy mild climate?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

Which native group lived in a dry grassland?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

Which native group lived in Arctic areas where temperatures drop below freezing?
- Iroquois
- Souix
- Inuit
- Pueblo
- Kwakiutl

Who explored area "1"?
- Samuel de Champlain
- Francisco Coronado
- John Cabot
- Robert LaSalle

Who explored area "2"?
- Samuel de Champlain
- Francisco Coronado
- John Cabot
- Robert LaSalle

Who explored area "3"?
- Samuel de Champlain
- Francisco Coronado
- John Cabot
- Robert LaSalle

Who explored area "4"?
- Samuel de Champlain
- Francisco Coronado
- John Cabot
- Robert LaSalle

What European country explored area "1"?
- France
- Spain
- England
- Italy

What European country explored area "2"?
- France
- Spain
- England
- Italy

What European country explored area "3"?
- France
- Spain
- England
- Italy

What European country explored area "4"?
- France
- Spain
- England
- Italy

What would be the best title bubble?
- Oceans of the World
- Continents of the World
- Water Bodies of North America
- Oceans of the Northern Hemisphere

What is missing from this organizer?
- Fish and whales
- Polar bear
- Buffalo
- Antelope

These two native groups live on opposite sides of the continent. What do they have in common?
- sod huts
- wood shelters
- adobe brick shelters
- igloos

What would be the best title for this organizer?
- Native Americans: The Sioux
- How the Sioux Used Buffalo
- Great Plains Indians
- Adapting to Dry Grassland

What is missing from the list?
- Missouri
- Minnesota
- Maine
- Michigan