Multiple-Choice Exercise
Content © 2009 Tricia Yeager; Author of Activity: Tami Maloney; All rights reserved. No commercial, for-profit use of this material is allowed. E-mail comments and questions to Tami Maloney.
Choose the correct answer for each question.
Magnets are attracted to objects made of _____.
- paper
- iron
- plastic
When a magnet pulls toward another magnet, we say these magnets _____.
- attract
- repel
The area around the magnet that has magnetic force is called the _____.
- magnetic compass
- electromagnet
- magnetic field
An object that has the pulling or pushing force of a magnet is said to be _____.
- magical
- attract
- magnetic
The strongest part of the magnet is at the magnet's _____.
- poles
- repel
- force
A _____ is an instrument that helps you tell direction.
- electromagnet
- magnetic compass
- poles
Magnets are said to _____ if they push away from each other.
- attract
- repel
_____ are magnets that can be turned on and off.
- Permanent magnets
- Electromagnets
A push or pull is called a _____.
- Cat Dog
- compass
- force
Magnets have _____ poles.
- two
- three
- varying
The poles of a magnet are called the _____ pole and the south pole.
- north
- east
- west
- south
Two like poles, like a South and a South, will always _____.
- attract
- repel
Two unlike poles, like a North and a South will always _____.
- attract
- repel
_____ magnets keep their magnetism.
- Electromagnets
- Permanent
_____ are made by sending electricity through a piece of iron.
- Permanent magnets
- Electromagnets
_____ is a rock that is called a natural magnet.
- Lodestone
- Quartzite
- Charcoal
A compass has a _____ which points North.
- force
- magnet
- lodestone
The _____ is the amount of push or pull a magnet has.
- force
- temporary
- north
_____ magnets can be magnetized, but lose power quickly.
- Temporary
- Permanent
A compass has a magnet which points _____.
- north
- south
- west
- east
The magnets seen here will _____.

- repel
- attract
The magnets seen here will _____.

- repel
- attract
The magnets seen here will _____.

- repel
- attract
The magnets seen here will _____.

- repel
- attract