Grade 3: Writing (2001 VDOE Released Items)
Multiple-Choice Exercise
Content © 2001 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education; Permission to Use Granted by VDOE; Author of Activity: Tami Maloney; All rights reserved.
No commercial, for-profit use of this material is allowed. E-mail comments and questions to Tami Maloney.
Choose the correct answer for each question.

Which of these could Valerie add as #7 on her list?
- birds aren't big
- high in a tree
- learn how to fly
- very young birds

How can sentences 8 and 9 best be joined without repeating information?
- They use leaves and tiny sticks, also use animal fur and their own soft feathers.
- They use leaves and tiny sticks, animal fur and their own soft feathers also.
- They use leaves and tiny sticks they also use animal fur and their own soft feathers.
- They use leaves, tiny sticks, animal fur, and their own soft feathers.

How should sentence 12 be written?
- The nest is often hidden is high in a tree.
- The nest is often hidden high in a tree.
- The hidden nest, often high in a tree.
- The nest is often hidden it is high in a hidden tree.

Which of these could best be added at the end of paragraph 2?
- The baby birds are protected there.
- It is made of things like sticks and leaves.
- Usually birds' nests are found in trees.
- Each kind of songbird sings its own song.

In sentence 18, in idaho. should be written --
- in Idaho.
- in Idaho?
- In Idaho.
- as it is

In sentence 20, Grandma and me should be written --
- Me and grandma
- Grandma and Me
- Grandma and I
- as it is

This chart will help Max to --
- decide what to write in his letter
- find Mr. Durston's address
- write without any mistakes
- find good TV shows to watch

How should sentence 1 best be written?
- Maxwell Adam Byrne, that's my name and my friends call me Max.
- My name is Maxwell Adam Byrne, call me Max my friends do.
- My name is Maxwell Adam Byrne, but my friends call me Max.
- Maxwell Adam Byrne is my name my friends Max call me.

Which sentence tells the main idea of Max's letter?
- 2
- 3
- 12
- 14

How can sentences 5 and 6 best be joined without repeating information?
- If I finish my homework my parents they will let me see the show early.
- I finish my homework early my parents will let me see the show.
- Finishing my homework early, my parents will let me see the show if I do.
- I finish my homework early so that my parents will let me see the show.

Which sentence says the same thing twice?
- 7
- 8
- 10
- 15

In sentence 25, a gooder place should be written --
- a more better place
- a more good place
- a better place
- as it is

In the closing of the letter (30), Yours truly should be written --
- yours Truly
- Yours Truly.
- Yours truly,
- as it is
- Reading a story that takes place at school
- Thinking about who his best friends are
- Listing games and sports he likes to play
- Asking his parents to teach him how to play a new sport

Which of these is not a complete sentence?
- 2
- 6
- 7
- 8

How can sentences 3 and 4 best be joined without repeating ideas?
- I would just smile, "Okay, I will!"
- I would just smile I would say, "Okay, I will!"
- I would just smiling say, "Okay, I will!"
- I would just smile and say, "Okay, I will!"

How should sentence 12 be written?
- The wind will help lift the kite hold it up in the air.
- The wind will help lift the kite and hold it up in the air.
- The wind will help lift the kite will help hold it up in the air.
- As it is

In sentence 16, I were should be written --
- i were
- I was
- i was
- as it is

In sentence 21, my friends should be written --
- my freinds
- my Friends
- mine freinds
- as it is

In sentence 21, like that before? should be written --
- like that before,
- like that before.
- like that befour.
- as it is