Grade 5: Writing (2000 VDOE Released Items)
Multiple-Choice Exercise
Content © 2000 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education; Permission to Use Granted by VDOE; Author of Activity: Tami Maloney; All rights reserved.
No commercial, for-profit use of this material is allowed. E-mail comments and questions to Tami Maloney.
Choose the correct answer for each question.

Which of these could Aaron use in the blank under Problem?
- good and evil
- has been captured
- adventure story
- will receive help

This chart will help Aaron to --
- correct all of his mistakes
- understand what he reads
- plan what will happen in his story
- decide what kinds of stories he likes best

Which of these sentences does not belong in this part of Aaron's story?
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20

How can sentences 6 and 7 best be joined without changing their meaning?
- He was a kind and friendly fellow also liked to tell silly jokes.
- A kind and friendly fellow also he liked to tell silly jokes.
- Was a kind and friendly fellow he also liked to tell silly jokes.
- He was a kind and friendly fellow who liked to tell silly jokes.

Which sentence could best be added after sentence 21?
- My adventure story takes place in a land far away.
- Somehow I would find a way to defeat the evil Chaxor and free my friend.
- When I woke up, I was sad to hear the news of Bram's capture.
- Chaxor, who was an evil being, lived in a dark and ugly cave.

In sentence 25, wise powerful, honorable, should be written --
- wise, powerful, honorable,
- wise powerful honorable
- wise, powerful honorable
- as it is

In sentence 22, was more stronger should be written --
- were stronger
- was more strong
- was stronger
- as it is

In sentence 24, people during should be written --
- peeple during
- people durring
- peopel during
- as it is

In sentence 32, travel to Mount kiandra should be written --
- travle to Mount kiandra
- travvel to mount Kiandra
- travel to Mount Kiandra
- as it is

This list will help Jennifer to --
- write her letter without any mistakes
- ask Brian about his new home
- think of other things she wants to do
- organize her letter

Which of these should not be on Jennifer's list?
- 1
- 3
- 5
- 7

Which of these could best be added after sentence 8?
- Only one game was rained out.
- We did not win the soccer tournament.
- A longer season would have been better for our team.
- I hope you will help me practice when you come home to visit.

Which of these sentences does not belong in Jennifer's letter?
- 6
- 7
- 9
- 10

How is sentence 11 best written?
- He brought me a gift a shiny harmonica.
- He brought me a shiny harmonica it was a gift.
- He brought me a shiny harmonica as a gift.
- As it is

In sentence 18, Alicia and me were walking should be written --
- I and Alicia was walking
- Me and Alicia were walking
- Alicia and I were walking
- as it is

In sentence 17, Last weekend I was finding should be written --
- Last weekend I found
- Last weekend I find
- Last weekend I have found
- as it is

In sentence 18, The mystery of Chesapeake Castle should be written --
- The Mystery of Chesapeake Castle
- The Mystery Of Chesapeake castle
- The Mystery of chesapeake castle
- as it is

In sentence 22, teacher in school? should be written --
- teacher in School.
- teacher in school.
- Teacher in School?
- as it is

In sentence 26, On September 10, a knew family should be written --
- On September 10, a new family
- On september 10, a knew family
- On september 10, a new family
- as it is

In sentence 28, a dauter named Dinah Harvey should be written --
- a Dauter named Dinah Harvey
- a daughter named Dinah Harvey
- a daughter named dinah Harvey
- as it is