- This bear lives in a cold climate.
- This bear has big teeth.
- This bear has black claws.
- This bear has small ears and eyes.




The length of an adult human footprint would be closest to 20 --
- millimeters
- centimeters
- meters
- dekameters
Which of these should be used to accurately measure 250 mL of water?




Students want to find out if an empty can rolls down a ramp faster than a can filled with sand. Which of these would be the fairest way to find out?




- 5
- 15
- 20
- 25
- 3 mL
- 11 mL
- 14 mL
- 25 mL
- faster the candle melted
- longer the candle burned
- brighter the candle's flame
- higher the candle's glame
- 1 kilometer
- 4 centimeters
- 3 meters
- 10 millimeters
Objects with greater inertia are more difficult to move than those with less inertia. Which object has the greatest inertia?
- A bicycle
- A school bus
- A rowboat
- A basketball
Which of these inclined planes would be most efficient to use to move an object upward?




Copper is called a good conductor because it can carry --
- water
- electricity
- air
- natural gas
Dragging your feet across a rug and then touching a doorknob and getting shocked is a result of --
- static electricity
- magnetism
- current electricity
- resistance
Which of these is caused by static electricity?
- Water flowing very fast through a small tube
- Hair sticking to a comb on a cold, dry day
- Wilting of plant leaves in the summertime
- Light shining from a flashlight
Which of these shows one complete wavelength?




- A
- B
- C
- D
Thomas Edison used electricity in many of his inventions. Which of these was one of his inventions?
- The electric can opener
- The electric light bulb
- The telephone
- The electron microscope
All elements are made up of --
- atoms
- compounds
- mixtures
- solutions
Which of these is being changed from a solid to a liquid?




Which plant part will become a new plant?




Which gas is used by plants during photosynthesis?
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
- Carbon dioxide
- Natural gas
Which of these is the source of energy for photosynthesis?
- Electricity
- Magnetism
- Sunlight
- Gravity
Which of these is most important for helping an animal move through soft sand or snow?
- Short thin legs
- A long bushy tail
- A long neck
- Big wide feet
- Owls
- Snakes
- Rabbits
- Hawks
- The box
- The light
- The wheelbarrow
- The water hose
Which of these belongs to the kingdom Protista?




- 4
- 8
- 16
- 24
Which of these has a backbone, skull, and ribs?




Which of these are found only in vertebrates
- Blood
- Backbones
- Shells
- Fur
- Cirrus
- Cumulus
- Stratus
- Nimbostratus
Changes in the pressure of the air can be measured by --
- barometers
- thermometers
- weather vanes
- anemometers
The sun heats the Earth unevenly, making the poles cold and the tropics hot, because --
- the tropics face more directly toward the sun
- the poles are covered with ice which causes cold air
- seasons change
- weather changes
Which of these is the biggest?
- The moon
- The Earth
- The sun
- Jupiter
The Earth, the other planets, and the sun are all a part of the solar system. How is the sun different from other parts of the solar system?
- It is smaller than most of the planets in the solar system.
- It is farther from the solar system than the planets.
- It is producing most of the heat and light in the solar system.
- It is made up of elements that cannot be found on the planets.
Why is coal an important resource in Virginia?
- It is a source of steel.
- It is an energy source.
- It is a basic building material.
- It is ground into fertilizer.
- A
- B
- C
- D
- eat more zooplankton
- have to reproduce faster
- finally die
- be smaller
- Weathering
- Erosion
- Earthquakes
- Volcanoes
- Wind
- Running water
- Volcanoes
- Flowing ice